Game Recap 9/14/12 — Wild Nights in KC — Angels 9 Royals 7

I remember as a kid it seemed a lot of Angels season's died in mid August in Kansas City. The Halos would be clinging to faint playoff hopes only to see them dashed in hot summer nights in the midwest. Weird games always happen in KC with the Angels usually ending up on the wrong side of the weirdness. Tonight the Halos visit Kansas City for a crucial three game series. With Balitmore and Oakland facing each other, wins mean advancing up the wild card ladder no matter what happens. So time will tell if another season's death rattle comes from the Kansas City blues. But not tonight…

Angels 9 Royals 7

Game Notes

— Looks like we have to add a fourth season to CJ Wilson's schizo beahvior. Wilson continues to rack up pitch counts costing him any hope of going late into games. You would think a former reliever would be economical with his pitches but Wilson barely made 5 innings, which in turn threw the bullpen into the equation.

— Who would have ever thought that the Albert that is the clutch hitter for the Angels would be Alberto Callaspo not Albert Pujols. All lil' Albert does is get big base hits.

— We bag on Mike Scioscia for his sometimes curious line-up contruction but tonight's move of Aybar to the 2 hole was magnificent. Erick went 4 for 5 and with him and Trout on base, the offense was able to keep battling back.

Halo Hero

Game Recap 9/14/12 -- Wild Nights in KC -- Angels 9 Royals 7

Anyone else thought this game was over before Kendrys stepped in to save the day? Let me posit another frightening thought, what would have happened if Maicer had been available? Think Morales still gets to hit right handed in that situation? Sometimes fate works in your favor and Kendrys was able to hit and did tie it up with a two run bomb and keep the Angels hopes alive. That's Halo Hero material in my book.


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