Game Recap 9/7/12 — We Don’t Quit — Angels 3 Tigers 2

Say what you want about this Angels team, they rarely ever quit. Tonight's game seemed to be teetering on the brink of catastrophe from the third inning on. Sherzer was unhittable and we all knew it was just a matter of time before either Ervin Santana imploded or the bullpen came in and lit a grease fire. But not tonight. The Halos kpet the Tigers at bay until the ninth inning when everything all of a sudden fell into place. It's starting to look more and more like a team with a legit playoff shot. They just never quit.

Angels 3 Tigers 2

Game Notes

— Give it up for Ervin Santana. With the exception of two solo shots, Santana was about as effective as I have seen him. I know I have said it a hundred times, Ervin is far and away the most frustrating Angel pitcher because we all see what he is capable of but rarely does that materialize for long stretches. Tonight's Ervin is the kind of guy you want in a playoff chase. I just hope her decides to stick around for awhile.

— It's sad to see what is happening to Mark Trumbo. His slump has now reached epic proportions. It was the right move to pinch hit for him in the ninth with the game on the line. Alberto Callaspo is more lilkely to deliver at this juncture than Trumbo. You hope that Mark can snap out of this and return to the All Star form he showed.

— Big props to Mike Scioscia for managing the way we have all come to expect. Sosh has gotten a bit of heat for the team's play and there is even this insane rumor flying around that Mike might get canned and end up managing the Red Sox. Tonight Scioscia reminded us why he is in the discussion for best manager in baseball. He pinch hit and pinch ran and just the right times and managed his bullpen smoothly to a win.

Halo Hero

Game Recap 9/7/12 -- We Don't Quit -- Angels 3 Tigers 2

If you are not moved to tears by Kendrys story, then you have no soul. We all wondered what he would be like when he returned. We were all told that the bat would take time to get right and that the power wouldn't be there for awhile. Some of us have cracked jokes about his running ability and his metamorphisis into a 250 pound singles hitter. But I have to say seeing him round second and head to third with nary a thought about his leg, made me insanely excited. Kendrys is back, and that is a good thing in more ways than one.


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