Game Recap — Not Dark Yet — Angels 8 Orioles 3

See what a difference a little Trout in your diet can do. Call it job insecurity but two of the outfielders most affected by Mike Trout’s return to Anaheim are Peter Bourjos and Torii Hunter. And both responded with big games. The team seemed to feed off of Trout’s energy tonight and scored runs for the first time in like a week and a half. Trouty even pitched in with a homer of his own. In the scope of the season, it’s not a big deal to beat the Orioles, but re-building momentum right now is all that matters.

Angels 8 Orioles 3


Game Notes

— Dan Haren was not super crisp tonight but did manage to pitch his way out of any trouble he built up. I hope the young staters on the staff took note that Haren didn’t even appear to have a pulse he was so calm on the mound.

— There was a lot of speculation that Trout’s return would lead to less playing time for Vernon Wells. Some even went as far as to tweet the possiblity of his release. I think we all can agree that Tony Reagins is not going to throw Wells out at this juncture. But it is also clear the the team plays differently when he is in the line-up. So that leads to some tough choices as far as playing time.

— Um, Bobby, we need to talk. See here’s the thing. You kinda suck right now and we really want to get fans to come see the team play the last month while we are out of contention so we’re gonna have to sit you down. If you have any questions on how to handle this you should call a guy in New York by the name of Jorge, he has some experience with this. Great, thanks.

— I’m glad that speedy Petey is getting some run as the lead-off guy. He would seem to be a natural for the spot if he didn’t strike out so much, but with a 3 for 5 night with a homer and 2 runs scored, Bourjos is starting to stake a claim to the gig full time. It also means he will continue to fend off those that will want to trade him in the offseason. I am just giddy at the thought of him and Trout in the same outfield.

— Anyone know who that guy was impersonating Scott Downs tonight. Up until the end of the 8th, Downs was not himself. I know none of the hits were particularly hard but it was still odd to see him come in and struggle. On the other hand, it was not unusual to see Fraudney look like the strike zone was some sort of foreign country. Without a great double play, who knows what might have happened.


Halo Hero

Look we all know what Torii Hunter looks like so it’s not the end of the world that my computer won’t let me insert a pic here. Torii has been scalding hot lately and blaster two homers tonight and has a 17 game hit streak. Nice to see one of the old men pitch in every once and awhile.

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