Game Rewind – 5/6/10: Unlucky Number 7 – Red Sox 11, Angels 6

An Angel loss to the Red Sox in which the Halos and Scott Kazmir choked and got unlucky loss number seven in a row.

Red Sox 11, Angels 6

Los Angeles Angels of AWESOMENESS

  • For one inning, things were great again for the Angels.  They took the right approach with Dice-K and made him throw them strikes and jumped all over them in the rare occasion that he did.  They took full advantage of Victor Martinez’s noodle of an arm and stole three bases in four innings.  It was probably the best the Angel offense had looked all year long.  It only lasted the one inning, but at least we know that it is still in them to play Scioscia ball.
  • I’m going to ignore Mike Napoli’s two strikeouts and choose to instead focus on his two-run homer.  There is so few positives for the Angels right now, that I really have no choice if I want to prevent myself from committing hari kiri.  Now that Naps has his first jack of the year, we can all go on Napoli hot streak alert… hopefully.
  • One guy I don’t have to use cognitive dissonance in order to be optimistic about is Bobby Abreu who looks like he might finally be getting locked in with his two hits and three walks on the evening.  That is the exact kind of performance he needs to build on and get the top of the order clicking again.

Los Angeles Angels of FAIL

  • Just because I have to be negative, I should point out that the great Angel first inning probably should have ended as another frustration for the Halos.  Had Kevin Youkilis just scooped Pedroia’s throw to complete another vintage Juan Rivera ill-timed double play.
  • I think Matsuiland is officially closed for repairs.  The man that started off looking like a savior and free agent steal now has seen his average drop all the way to .236.  Can we please just get this man a day off?
  • Dick Wood still has a lot left to learn.  He struck out three times in four at-bats tonight, including a three-pitch whiff in the second inning as the leadoff batter the inning after Matsuzaka couldn’t hit the strike zone to save his life.  That is just a piss poor approach and it is hardly the first time he has displayed such horrid judgment.  Honestly, he just needs to sit next to Bobby Abreu every inning and listen to whatever Bobby has to say because Wood’s approach can’t get any worse than it is right now.
  • Wow, a seven-game losing streak.  I don’t even know where to begin.  It has been so long since the Halos have been this bad that I almost forgot what it was like.  I know the season is still early and everything, but good teams just don’t lose seven consecutive games.  If they are still going to find a way to win the AL West, they are going to have to combat this with a pretty lengthy winning streak somewhere down the line and I just don’t think they have it in them.  I hate to say it, but I think PECOTA might have finally gotten the Angels right.

Angel A-Hole of the Game

Los Angeles Angels at Boston Red Sox

Seriously, just go eff yourself, Kazmir.

How do you ruin a 4-0 lead before you even throw your first pitch?  Just ask Scott Kazmir, he definitely knows how.  He turned a perfectly uplifting start to a game into an absolute nightmare.  Not only did he Kazmir choke away that early cushion, he practically gave it away.  His command was even worse than normal and he still has a phobia of throwing his slider.  It was one thing when he didn’t trust that pitch in his first start of the year, but quite another a full month later.  If he can’t figure out what is going with his slider then he shouldn’t be in the rotation and Mike Butcher should probably start updating his resume.

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