Game Thread: Cardinals vs. Vikings Hunting Season


OK, yes, I know you don't exactly go hunting Cardinals, but we're not playing the Eagles this week either, and those you can DEFINITELY hunt. Especially bald ones, because their eggs taste so much better.

Doesn't mean you can't still jump in this Purple Jesus Diaries Game Thread though and have some fun! The Minnesota Vikings are looking to get back to their winning ways after a scalping last week thanks to the Washington Redskins. It was an ugly loss, but oddly enough felt more like a bump in the road rather than a typical game from the purple. This week, that play behavior will be RECTIFIED. I also wanted to use that word solely on the fact that it sounded like "rectum." Sue me.

Will Shirtless Ponder stop throwing interceptions? Will Purple Jesus get back to the holy land/end zone this week? Do you think Jared Allen will want to show up and, you know, do his job by getting a sack against a super porous offensive line? Maybe! We'll find out today though, or at the very least, we'll be talking about it in this thread. So join in!

Enjoy the game, everyone!

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