Gamecock faithful….Check your pockets….

Gamecock faithful....Check your pockets....
Soon you may be asked to put your money where your mouth is. Here is an article for you to read regarding the plans the USC athletics program is looking into….here. (Also notice some of the other articles within this news story comparing some of the facilites at each school.)

I agree that USC needs to invest some serious cash into better buildings, facilities and distribute some money to to the ‘Olympic’ sports. Take for example, the ladies tennis center is terrible on blossom street, I have sent better tennis courts in low income housing projects. I do think it is time for the gamecock faithful to seriously invest into “the program.” Are improvements needed…yes….will they provide results “on the field?” That is the million dollar question and no one can really predict but it is hard to compete in the recruiting world if the stuff you have does not compare. Think about it like comparing cars to a 18 year old…… if you show these kids a 1985 Ford Bronco and the other person (school) shows them a 2006 Hummer H2 and ask them “Which do you like? and “Which do you want to ride in for 4 years?” What are they going to say? Love to hear some comments…

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