Gamecocks Cliff Matthews a Two Sport Star

USC may be getting a two sport star soon. Cliff Matthews, who joined the football team earlier this summer, could play basketball at USC. He is 6 foot 5 and weighs in the 220+ range. Not saying he is the “hope in the middle” that Odom needs (and lacks) but heck give the guy a chance and let him beat and bang in the middle. This is great for Odom if Spurrier allows b/c Matthews is a great athlete and we need size.

Reported by Gamecockcentral – USC spokesperson Michelle Schmitt confirmed Matthews and Odom had talked twice already.”(Odom) basically told him he was welcome to come out for the team, as long as he followed two steps,” Schmitt said. “One, he had to have permission and the blessing of coach (Steve) Spurrier, and two, he had to have his grades in order.” Matthews led Cheraw to the AA lower-state championship game this past season.

Also Aaron Ellis is gone, which I feel is not good but “it is what it is.” He was 6’8 around 200lbs and had great potential. We could’ve used him but maybe he was the “diamond in the rough” that Odom is known to recruit (or try too) but ended up too rough around the edges.

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