Garrioch Talks Organization’s Patience On FAN590

On Wednesday afternoon Bruce Garrioch made an appearance on Tim & Sid, and in the midst of a general discussion of the team's struggles, there was this exchange:

John Shannon: "How patient will Bryan be?"

Garrioch: "He's willing to be…if you were talking to me today, and they had lost last night, I'd tell you he's trying to make a deal today. I think he would of made a change for change sake. And I think that's he's willing to…he likes this group, he thinks they should be better, these are the discussions I've had with him. He likes this group, he thinks they should be better, he needs more from Jared Cowen, he needs more from Patrick Wiercioch, he needs more consistency from those guys, they need Colin Greening to start being Colin Greening again – he's got 1 point in 15 games or whatever it is this season. So they need more from him, but I do think though that if they had lost last night and we were sitting here talking, that he'd be on the verge of trying to do something, cause I don't think they would have sat still much longer if they'd lost last night."

Tim Micallef: "Would that move for the sake of a move involve one of the goaltenders?"

Garrioch: "I don't think so at this juncture. They don't have a lot of depth in goal. They don't have Ben Bishop anymore. I know that people want them to move a goalie, but I think they'll be with these guys all year. Now I could be completely wrong, but I really do, I think that at this point that that's not something that they'll do. I think If they had made a move today it would have been a defenceman. And they did bring up Mark Borowiecki from Binghamton on the weekend cause it was getting a little ugly around here when they gave up 57 shots on Friday night against the Islanders. And Borowiecki's gone in, and to his credit he's stabilized things a little bit back there because they needed some stabilizing. There were a lot of people who felt that Jared Cowen on the weekend should have been a healthy scratch."

Interesting, very interesting.

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