Gary Sheffield is Bat Shit Crazy

Neil Best of Newsday must be loving this blog thing because he continues to post great stuff. First, he has a quick synopsis of an interview with Detroit Tiger Gary Sheffield that will air on Real Sports next Tuesday on HBO. Then it goes on to a full article that Best wrote in the online edition of Newsday where Sheffield goes on to make crazy assertions such as Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter “ain’t all the way black” and that black players and white players are coached differently on the Yankees. In addition, Sheffield denies he ever took steroids saying they’re “something you shoot in your butt.” Even though Sheffield took what is known as the “clear”, a steroid developed in the infamous BALCO lab, he denies he ever took them. Read Best’s article and then if you have HBO, watch the interview done by Andrea Kremer. I’m sure going to be watching.

Sheffield is known for making outlandish statements in the past, in fact in the June issue of GQ Magazine, he said there were more Latino players in baseball because they’re easier to control.

For more Sheffield quotes, here are a collection going through 2005.

He’s an angry man and in those quotes, he refers to his uncle who’s former Met and Yankee pitcher Dwight Gooden.

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