Now that is your Sacramento Kings advertising dollars at work. Located off of I-5, the CalSTRS (California State Teachers’ Retirement System) building is the perfect spot for maximum exposure. And yes, the Kings maximized this opportunity. According to the Sacramento Bee, the banner is 177 feet tall and 65 feet wide, covering 10 stories of the east side of the building. It will remain up until late November, and check this out- the Kings are paying nothing for the advertisement space.
Written across the bottom of the banner is the cryptic message, “Here we Rise” (followed by the corresponding web address: www.herewerise.com), which is a perfect slogan for the 2010-11 Kings. Click on the site link to follow the Kings down what will hopefully be another rabbit hole of marketing genius.
The CalSTRS building is located on the opposite side of I-5 from the Kings proposed new stadium site. Let us all hope that “here we rise” is indicative of both the metaphorical rise of the team and physical rise of a beautiful, new riverfront stadium.
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