Good Night, Mr. Carson

For 29 years, fans of “The Tonight Show” heard “Heeeerrre’s Johnny” and we became comfortable with Johnny Carson coming into our living rooms, putting us to bed. Then after his retirement in 1992, we hardly heard from Johny. But then again, Johnny knew comedic timing and he knew when it was time to go out.

Unfortunately, we hardly saw Johnny after he left “The Tonight Show”. Then again, Johnny knew that it was time for others to take the spotlight. We’d see or hear from him every once in a while. Like last week, we learned that he was writing jokes for the Late Show with David Letterman.

He finally died Sunday of emphysema. Carson had struggles. He had four wives. His second son died of a car accident. He admitted he smoked too much. But overall, he was about the comedy and about entertaining us.

Johnny did that very well. I’ll miss him.

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