Goodbye And Thank You


It is with great regret and sadness that I am retiring LightningShout. After many years, my declining health due to diabetes and cancer has forced me to focus solely on my health. My family deserves that.

I loved running the site and working side-by-side with Alexis Boucher, Christine Gunn, Benjamin Woodward and Tarra Dunlop. All are class individuals.

I loved being a part of the “Boltosphere”, with Lightning Insider, Raw Charge, Bolts by the Bay, Bolt Prospects and others. All are well run sites that focus on integrity and accuracy. Your Lightning interests are in good hands.

In the next few days, all of our social media sites and the website will be closed.

Thank you for your support over the years!

W.B. “Bill” Philp

#Cancersucks #Diabetessucks

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