Goodnight Sweet Prince Jaime


The Cardinals finally ended the Jamie Garcia era in St. Louis late Thursday afternoon.

Earlier in the off-season Garcia’s 12M dollar team option for 2017 was picked up and many wondered if the move was just delaying his departure.

Turned out many were right as Jaime was dealt to the Braves for three minor league prospects, including RHP John Gant – who has a unique ptiching motion.

Some shared sentiments that, well, weren’t all that sentimental considering he’s been on our radar for almost a decade. Heck, he made his MLB debut in 2008!

Some, even, were happy to see him go.

Granted, many will remember a singular game from Garcia from 2015 that launched the Cubs’ rocketship to the moon.

Fair warning, pressing play below might not be the best way to head into the weekend.

But the dude could be as ELECTRIC as anyone in the bigs when he was right. This game last season was a masterpiece:

And that’s where the frustration came from… he was Sisyphus and we watched in Ephyra as the boulder always came back down the hill.


He was a good pitcher for the Cardinals overall.

Just for fun here are two pitchers career stats – Jamie Garcia & Corey Kluber of Cleveland. Can you guess who is whom?

  • Pitcher A: 62-45 | 3.57 ERA | 723 SO
  • Pitcher B: 58-44 | 3.33 ERA | 936 SO

If you guessed pitcher A was Jaime, you’d be WRONG. Just kidding, you’d be right. Not that far off, though. Right? And Kluber is like the darling of the pitching world right now (outside of Andrew Miller).

One thing that you probably won’t read in many blogs, but is absolutely true, is that Jaime’s trade means we’ll have far fewer spelling mistakes. You’d be surprised how adamant Word is that Jaime is Jamie.

Best of luck, old friend. Here’s to good health and much success.

Photo: Vox

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