Great KG Moments

The Wolves are entering a new era, and KG is leaving us with 12 years of great memories.  Here are some memorable Garnett moments that come to mind: 

*After being presented with the 2004 NBA MVP trophy, Garnett, along with Sam and Spree, knocked off the Kings in game seven of the Western Conference semis.  Of course, immediately following that win, KG jumped up on the scorer’s table and started screaming like crazy.  A great moment.

*In the previous playoff run, there was the game against the LA where KG fouled out in the middle of overtime.  On the bench, KG literally willed his team to victory.  He didn’t take a seat…rather, he knelt on the sideline through the whole overtime period.  It was completely unforgettable.

*When thinking about great KG moments, his pregame ritual definitely comes to mind. He does the exact same routine before every single game: He claps that powdery stuff all over Grandpa Sports, pounds his chest at the corner of the court where his homies are sitting, and is always the last guy at center court.

Yeah, like I even needed to explain that.  If you’re a Wolves fan, you’re more than familiar with his ritual. 

*Then there was the All-Star Game MVP performance.  KG always seems to take the All-Star Game seriously, and he was rewarded in 2003 with the MVP trophy.

*His great quote: "We’re comin,’ we’re comin.’"

*Early in KG’s career, I vividly remember the game where he gave the refs the middle finger as he walked off the court following his ejection.  And then a year or two ago, he tossed the ball into the crowd, and hit a guy.  That guy got the booing he deserved as he faked an injury…and KG got booted from the game.

*How about this John Thompson interview with KG, where Kevin breaks into tears after a season of losing with Sam, Spree and company.  That interview makes one thing very clear: KG has the biggest heart in the NBA.  He brings unparalleled passion to the court on every single night, making it impossible not to root for him.

*On a lighter note, who could forget Fransisco Elson’s claim that Garnett is gay?

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