If you didn’t already know, I am a major self absorbed idiot who apparently can’t read, but can sure as shit write more than anyone cares. After my big hullaballoo about going to go see Tripping Icarus last night, I failed to realize that you had to actually text for tickets instead of, you know, just buying a ticket at the door like a normal concert. While I’m not entirely sure why this was the preferred method for admission, it indeed was the preferred and only method of admission. Thusly, I ended up not texting for a ticket and then obviously not being admitted…
I did exit my Blog Cave (Scouts honor!) and headed to MOA. I did meet a very lovely hostess who was gentle in letting me know I’m a fucking reject in direction understanding, but did kindly offer to let me eat and drink at the restaurant secluded from any real human contact that was actually at the show. Of course, I politely declined because that seemed real depressing and instead went out and drank myself into a self loathing stupor, ala Ron Burgundy. No different from any other night, amirite?? … Don’t answer that.
Anyway, I obviously suck at even sucking, but it does sound like random reader FavreInMyMouth (That’s your handle?) was able to attend and had an enjoyable time. We’re going to see if any members, or maybe all members?, of Tripping Icarus would be interested in doing a casual, unorthodox interview that is devoid of 93X style “Dingo and the Baby” shock jockeying and/or Charlie Walters pandering. If they see this blog once though, there will probably be a lawsuit coming. Or maybe not. Who knows.
Anyway, if you were at the show and want to share your opinions or insights, throw them in the comments. If you have a question you’d want for Tripping Icarus members in a potential interview, put that there too. If you want to make fun of me for having the reading comprehension of a mythical fairy, that door is always open as well in the comments, and if you were actually at the show last night and said the secret phrase for me to buy you a beer if everything would have worked out … Well, that’s kind of funny. Were people looking at you like you’re an established rapist? It’s not a fun look, trust me.
Anyway, in dedication to my craptitude, here are some good Epic Fail Sports moments:
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