Hail, Yeah!!

Nope, not a misspelling, nor an attempt to converse with folks from RRod’s former state of employ. It’s the first things I thought of upon seeing this glorious sight:

They know that "The Victors" are the ones who scored more points, right?

Jeff asked us to write a quick reflection on the game via our own “unique” take. Given that Eric has already exuded excellence, and the boss has proven how dead sexy we bloggers are, I’ve only got the following:

  • The following things do not know a world where Ohio State has lost The Game: My daughter, Chipmunks, Beavers (nope, no link), Possums, Most kangaroos. Wolverines live up to 17 years (so we’ll have to keep doing this), but weasels only live 3-4 years in the wild and 10 years in captivity. Lesson? If you have a weasel in captivity, you know what to do.
  • Seems TSUN has discovered a new source of economic stimulus, and that the goal of making money for the WalMart by selling tickets to Ohio State fans was successful. I can’t imagine a situation where we’d ever let The ‘Shoe be as overtaken by other fans as “The Big House” was today.  If they were any more bandwagon, they’d be in Los Angeles.

  • Searching for a metaphor: A win over scUM is always great, but given their hilarious struggles of late, today’s victory felt a bit off.  I’ve been trying to come up with a description, and have got two: It’s like Christmas Day as a kid when you’ve snuck around and know what all your presents are. Sure, there’s the paper and the lights and the “atmosphere”, but it just doesn’t have any zing.  Anyone else feeling this? And yes, as someone old enough to remember John Cooper, I realize that every moment is one to be savored.  I’m just working through some stuff here…
  • Good to see Gary Moeller at the game today; nice of ABC to give him some air time. Would loved to have tailgated with him… Still too soon?
  • On another note: some Maize and Blue faithful are pretty classy. Seriously.
  • International countries  (not to be confused by the domestic ones) that don’t know a world of scUM success:  Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo
  • Searching for a metaphor, part deux: It’s like when you have a dog, and you’re playing catch, and you do the fake throw and he runs to go get the tennis ball that is still in your hand, and then comes back to you after looking and looking and gives you that “Hey! What’s up?” stare. And then you continue playing catch, but it’s kinda sad, because you know a) he’ll fall for the fake throw again if you do it and b) he’ll keep coming back for more.  Today felt a little like that. I can understand why scUM fans sold their tickets rather than showing up and wiggling keys.
  • Today, the boo and her mama were watching Nebraska when The Game highlights came on. Reese Davis said the word “Mich1gAAn”, and she looked at me and said “we don’t like Mich1gAAn, do we Dada?” Proud.
  • Finally (Thank God) – I got about 15 texts today from colleagues and friends wishing the Bucks luck in the game. These are mostly folks who wouldn’t know a noseguard from a facemask, but always cheer Ohio State on in The Game. The reason: A win means I make Buckeyes and bring them to work, as is my tradition after the Mich1gAAn game. Unfortunately, my tradition is also to make them when Ohio State wins their bowl game… We’re still working on it.

Like I said, that’s all I’ve got. Great win, congrats seniors, screw blue, get ready for Roses.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go melt some chocolate.

Caloric bliss
Caloric bliss
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