NHLers Rock Out the Lockout With Their Costume Out.


Last year the Boston Boo-ins invited you to their awesome Halloween party. This year, one reader (Patrick) in particular got the jump on us and photoshopped some players in their costumes this year. It's pretty evident that with an NHL lockout, most of these guys have nothing better to do, so why not trot around their city dressed up? 

So thanks Patrick! We loved em! 

big buff
I'm not sure Buff knew it was even a costume party

After the jump, the rest of Patrick's awesome photoshops….

Desharnais Smurf

David Desharnais is applying to play for the first line on the Habs

It's only natural, since Flower and Bryz are used to being pulled out after a period


I'm  pretty sure this was just Gomez hanging out in Hamilton last year

Oh Phil, what could have been

Milan Lucic is dressing up as an 18 wheeler. 

I wonder if he hurt his back putting the costume on?

Jonathan fucking Quick in his fucking cursing fucking sailor costume. Fucker!

ribiero diver
Ribiero probably didn't have to spend a cent on this costume. 

Oh God, the horror. 

All he needs is a chicken sandwich and a heterosexual and he's good. 

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