Halo Headlines – 1/7/10

  • The Story: The Angels face a tough call when it comes to replacing Rory MarkasThe Monkey Says: The popular notion is that Steve Physioc will be re-hired, but, as the article suggested, re-hiring someone who they just fired seems like a bad idea all around.  Besides, replacing the amiable and professional Markas with the pompous and smarmy Physioc would be almost kind of an insult to Rory’s memory.
  • The Story: Keith Olbermann shares his tearful memories of Rory MarkasThe Monkey Says: Nothing to add, Olbermann pretty much hit it right on the head.
  • The Story: Former Angel Bert Blyleven missed getting into the Hall of Fame by five votesThe Monkey Says: Oy, so close for Bert who remains encouraged by his close call.  It does seem highly likely that if he came this close this year that he will eventually get in.  However, next year has a handful more of viable HoF candidates (Jeff Bagwell, Larry Walker, Rafael Palmeiro, etc.) in addition to guys like Roberto Alomar and Barry Larkin who deserve to get in but came up short today.  That could cause some of Blyleven’s votes to dry up since the HoF voters all have bizarre sets of self-imposed rules for the way they like to vote.
  • The Story: It is believed a $21 million offer will land Aroldis Chapman for the AngelsThe Monkey Says: Chapman will sign any day now reportedly and teams like the Mets and Yankees were basically ruled out today, so the Angels’ chances keep getting better.
  • The Story: The Angels are saying they are not in that deep on Arolids ChapmanThe Monkey Says: That was according to a tweet by Yahoo’s Tim Brown but at almost the exact same time Ken Rosenthal tweeted pretty much the opposite and both allegedly had inside sources in the Angels feeding them the info, so you decide who you believe.  Personally, I believe Rosenthal.  Chapman makes too much sense for the Halos and the denial via Brown is just the standard posturing of a front office that likes to play things close to the vest and doesn’t want to have anyone drive the price up on the Angels.
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