Halo Headlines – 7/16/10

Daily links for the LA Angels including Izturis could be back next week, the latest Angel trade buzz (hands off Mike Trout), Juan Rivera is out of excuses and much more.

The Story: Maicer Izturis could return in time for the Angels’ road trip next week.

The Monkey Says: That would be great news for the Halos as they could finally get a little depth back and upgrade at third base with Izturis and possibly even slide Kevin Frandsen over to first base on occasion instead of the dreadful Paul McAnulty.

The Story: The latest Angel trade buzz is that Mike Trout is not available and the Angels may be backing down from the idea of acquiring a hitter altogether.

The Monkey Says: That is one very good idea (keeping Trout) mixed with one very bad idea (not acquiring another hitter and instead hoping that Bobby Abreu, Juan Rivera and Hideki Matsui suddenly turn their seasons around).  I can understand the reluctance of the Angels to give away prospects from their thin farm system to get a big bat, but they should at least add some more depth (like the Russ Branyan idea mentioned in the article which I also mentioned as an option earlier in the week).

The Story: Juan Rivera can see clearly now and now the Angels want to see more production.

The Monkey Says: I don’t think the problem has ever been Juan’s eyes, it is his motivation.  For the first time in his career he isn’t battling for playing time and it has cost him his edge.  I still say the Halos should call up Peter Bourjos to try and put the fear of God into Juan and hopefully get him going again.

The Story: Rob Neyer previews the second half of the season for each team and thinks the Angels should just give up and reload.

The Monkey Says: I’m not going to flame Neyer here because he is a smart man, but the Angels really aren’t that far out and there is good reason to believe that the Rangers have been playing over their heads thus far.  The Cliff Lee trade certainly fortifies their team, but he is just one player who only pitches every five games, so just conceding the division because of him seems a bit extreme.

The Story: All-Star FanFest in Anaheim drew its fourth highest crowd of all-time.

The Monkey Says: That sounds good, but is actually less good when you consider that it is just fourth out of twenty.  Nonetheless, the Angels and the City of Anaheim did a good job with the All-Star festivities by all accounts and they should be applauded for their efforts.

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