Halo Headlines: Farm system NOT ranked last; PECOTA projections


The February 16, 2016 edition of Los Angeles Angels news includes the organization finally not bringing up the rear in a farm system rankings, Nate Silver’s old projection system doing the team no favors, and more…

The Story: KATOH’s 2016 Farm System Rankings

MWAH Says: Thank the baseball gods, there’s actually a list out there that believes the Angels don’t have the worst farm system in the game. They’re merely the second worst, ahead of the Marlins. Progress! No idea how Miami ended up behind the Angels with all their fire sale shenanigans, but I’ll take it.

The Story: The 2016 PECOTA projections have been released

MWAH Says: The bad news: The Angels are projected to go 75-87 in 2016, which marks the first time since 2011 that PECOTA has predicted fewer than 87 wins for the team, let alone a losing record. The good news: That’s only one win fewer than the Royals are projected for, and no one expects them to really finish last in the AL Central. The Angels aren’t the Royals, of course, but gotta find a silver lining somewhere.

The Story: Deep rotation adds intrigue to Angels camp

MWAH Says: Will a healthy C.J. Wilson end up traded before Opening Day? Will Tyler Skaggs be able to break back into the rotation? Does the team still trust Hector Santiago as a starter? Can Matt Shoemaker rediscover his splitter and become his 2014 self again? Will Jered Weaver ever top 84 mph again? Will Nick Tropeano and Nate Smith take a step forward in camp? How many lefty starters does Mike Scioscia consider too many? Lots of legitimately fun things to keep track of over the next month.

The Story: The best transactions of the 2016 offseason

MWAH Says: Dave Cameron ranks the Andrelton Simmons acquisition as the 7th best move of the winter. That’s nice and all, but having the signings of Jason Heyward, Yoenis Cespedes, and Alex Gordon rank just ahead of the Simmons trade leaves one to wonder what the winter could have been for the Halos.

The Story: The worst transactions of the 2016 offseason

MWAH Says: I suppose we can find solace in the Angels not coming anywhere near this list. Not surprisingly, the Diamondbacks appear twice on this list. Surely there’s still some absurd trade involving C.J. Wilson that Billy Eppler can get Dave Stewart to bite on.





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