Halo Headlines: Javy Guerra signs; a Mike Trout trade?


The February 11, 2016 edition of Los Angeles Angels news includes the team adding a former Dodgers closer on a minor-league deal, more speculation about a Mike Trout trade that’ll never happen, and more…

The Story: Angels sign RHP Javy Guerra to a minor-league deal

MWAH Says: Given how last winter went, I’m kind of floored that Arte Moreno would agree to bring in a player who’s twice run afoul of the JDA for positive drug-of-abuse tests. There’s no indication of what Guerra actually tested positive for—because it was in the minor leagues, it could have been as innocuous as marijuana—but it shouldn’t matter to an owner who was so vocal about the issue a year ago. Just more evidence that the whole Hamilton saga was a personal vendetta, not some principled stand. Anyway, Guerra is nice depth to have it he can stay healthy and out of trouble.

The Story: Could the Angels need to trade Mike Trout?

MWAH Says: I get that early February is a bad time for baseball news, but c’mon. No team ever would need to trade Mike Trout. It’s amazing how quickly people forget the Angels had an equally terrible farm system in 2013 and 2014 but still came away with the best record in baseball in 2015. Yes, it sucks to have a bad farm system because it limits the organization’s options. But it’s not the end of the world. Let’s at least start 2016 before handwringing so spectacularly about the club’s future.

The Story: The Angels will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, trade Mike Trout

MWAH Says: The antidote to the above article. There is no reason for the Angels to ever trade Mike Trout. There is no trade package that would ever guarantee equal value. Just doesn’t exist. Arte Moreno is impulsive and obstinate to the constant detriment of his organization, but even he’s not so irrational to trade prime Mike Trout.

The Story: Phillies DFA Bobby LaFromboise to make room for Taylor Featherston

MWAH Says: If the Angels want to complete this loop, they should re-claim LaFromboise then DFA him when the Phillies inevitably put Featherston on waivers. Probably shouldn’t though.

The Story: Former Angels beat writer Tom Singer died on Monday

MWAH Says: I’m too young to remember Singer covering the Halos, but from what everyone has said about him in the last 24 hours he seems to have been a wonderful person. Rest in peace, Tom.

The Story: Developing the baseballr package for R

MWAH Says: If you’re into crunching numbers with big datasets, this one’s for you. Bill Petti breaks down how he created his baseball database and how others can (eventually) use it.

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