Halo Headlines: Saunders trade unravels; Wilson gets shoulder MRI


The February 23, 2016 edition of Los Angeles Angels news includes a big three-way trade undone by shaky medical reports, C.J. Wilson being diagnosed with shoulder tendinitis, and more…

The Story: Trade for Michael Saunders falls through

MWAH Says: The Angels were on the verge of adding another player to their uninspiring mix of LF candidates, but someone got spooked by a medical report somewhere along the way. One rumor is the Halos balked at Saunders’ knee, but another is that the Reds didn’t like something about the prospects. Either way, the Angels don’t get Saunders and the Blue Jays don’t get Jay Bruce.

The Story: C.J. Wilson gets shoulder MRI after feeling discomfort

MWAH Says: The diagnosis is mild shoulder tendinitis, which isn’t terrible but is still bad. The odds Wilson can be traded before Opening Day just went from slim to just about none. I suppose they can still deal him at the deadline for something of value, but not being able to give him a qualifying offer after the season will probably turn some away.

The Story: Angels still looking for lefty in the bullpen

MWAH Says: They might need someone to fill the recent void left by Christian Friedrich, who was returned to the Rockies because of some unknown medical issue. I’m not really convinced they need someone else, but it’s not like another LOOGY would hurt.

The Story: Predicting Tommy John surgeries

MWAH Says: Very cool, super in-depth look at the pitchers most and least likely to undergo Tommy John in the near future. No Angels on the top of the list, so that’s good!

The Story: MLB confident Rays will play in Cuba next month

MWAH Says: Cool. Cool cool cool. Hope they at least air the games on MLB Network.

The Story: MLB calls A’s stadium problems a “local issue”

MWAH Says: Well that’s a blatant lie. The only reason the A’s didn’t move to San Jose years ago is because the San Francisco Giants claim it’s in their exclusive broadcasting area, which is absolutely MLB’s issue. They just settled a class-action lawsuit about local broadcast rights, for chrissakes.

The Story: Shane Victorino could get big-league deal this week

MWAH Says: Even the Flyin’ Hawaiian could get an MLB deal before David Freese. What is happening?

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