Halo Headlines: Scioscia rips his pitching staff, Trout turns 22

Halo Headlines: Scioscia rips his pitching staff, Trout turns 22

The August 8th, 2013 edition of daily news for the Los Angeles Angels including Scioscia rips his pitching staff, Trout turns 22 and much more…

The Story: Scioscia blasts his own pitchers for their defensive issues.

The Monkey Says: Scioscia minced no words when he blamed the pitching staff for the Rangers stealing pretty much all of the bases on Tuesday night. He then made the pitchers do extra fielding practice before yesterday's game. That punitive measure really paid off with Texas stealing seven more bases last night. Great work, Scioscia. I hope that tactic works better for you with the Phillies next season.

The Story: Mike Trout turned 22 and is even better than before.

The Monkey Says: This 22nd birthday nonsense is just that. I have never understood why we celebrate athletes on their birthday. Nothing has changed. If you want to celebrate Trout because he is awesome, go right on ahead. What I don't get is the surprise that a guy who is as young as Trout is getting better. Players typically don't peak until 25 or even as late as 28. Trout is only going to get better next year and the year after that. That is a scary thought… for the rest of the league.

The Story: J.B. Shuck's great catch may not have actually been a valid catch.

The Monkey Says: I think it was a valid catch and the post was more of a premise to take a shot at Slate. What I would argue is that the play was not called dead ball properly when Shuck went all the way into the stands.

The Story: 22 things about Mike Trout on his 22nd birthday.

The Monkey Says: So, yeah, Trout is really, really good.

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