Halo Headlines: Seager puts Weaver on blast, the impact of Heaney’s stock deal


The September 17, 2015 edition of Los Angeles Angels news including Kyle Seager calling shenanigans on Jered Weaver, Andrew Heaney potentially messing with the financial possibilities of small-market teams and more…

The Story: Kyle Seager says Jered Weaver “quit” on team

MWAH Says: This was in response to the HBP fiasco in the fifth inning last night. Seager’s full quote: “”I was surprised he hit me because if you hit me there, it’s pretty obvious what was going to happen — he’s going to be out of the game. I guess he was tired of pitching … From my perspective, he quit on his team and I didn’t quit on mine.”” I think I kinda agree? Weaver claims he wasn’t trying to hit Seager, but pitchers always say that and this is totally something he would do. Feel like we can chalk it up to a momentary lapse of judgment.

The Story: How Andrew Heaney’s Fantex deal could impact the Pirates

MWAH Says: A fascinating look at how Heaney’s hedge might affect the ability of smaller-market teams to lock up young players in the future. I’m still on the fence about whether Heaney making a bet on himself and his “brand”—which, ughhh—is ethical, let alone adheres to MLB’s strict gambling policies, so I hadn’t even thought about how his example might lead other young players to make similar deals. I get the whole time-value-of-money thing, but surrendering 10% of one’s earnings for life to bring in $3+ million now? No thanks.

The Story: Mike Scioscia wants roster expansion rules to change

MWAH Says: Kind of a weird stance for a guy who seems to adore the ability to use 15 pitchers a night. Of course, Scioscia isn’t against the whole idea of roster expansion, he just thinks it should be limited to five extra guys rather than 15. Huston Street comes down on the other side, calling September call-ups “a beautiful tradition” for some reason. Anyone else noticing a high quantity of weird quotes from Street lately?

The Story: David Freese might be the best 3B on the market this winter

MWAH Says: Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean he’ll get paid like it. Freese says he’s thought about his impending free agency “ZERO times”, which I’m pretty sure is a paradox because wouldn’t he have to think about free agency in order to remember he hadn’t thought about it?

The Story: Whatever happened to Chris Iannetta?

MWAH Says: Dude went from looking at an eight-figure, multi-year deal (and maybe a qualifying offer) to also-ran on the bench in the span of five months. He hasn’t started in a week now and with Carlos Perez heating up at the plate there’s really no reason to put him in the line-up. It’s unfortunate, as Iannetta seems like a super good guy, but his OBP potential should allow him to stick somewhere for a few years yet.

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