Halo Headlines: Three minor signings; Trout crushes mistake pitches


The February 15, 2016 edition of Los Angeles Angels news follows a very slow holiday weekend and includes the team signing three players to minor-league deals, StatCast demonstrating more things Mike Trout is awesome at, and more…

The Story: Angels sign catcher Lou Marson, relievers Josh Zeid and Cody Satterwhite to minors deals

MWAH Says: No word on whether any of the three got invites to Spring Training with their new contracts, but seeing as how it’s been a while since any of them spent significant time in the big leagues I imagine they won’t be suiting up on the main field. Marson is by far the most experienced of the three, but even he hasn’t played more than three MLB games since 2013. Long story short: minor-league depth.

The Story: Favorite mistakes: Hitters who devour meat

MWAH Says: Mike Trout ranked third in slugging percentage (1.029 SLG) and second in exit velocity (100.4 mph) on “mistake pitches” in 2015. So he doesn’t just crush your best fastball down in the zone, he also demolishes the one you accidentally left over the heart of the plate.

The Story: How we see the 2016 season unfolding

MWAH Says: USA Today isn’t just projecting division winners for 2016, they’re putting win-loss records on all 30 teams. Their self-described “semi-scientific” method has the Angels finishing third in the AL West with a 83-79 record. Not a terrible prediction, really.


The Story: Baseball America’s Organizational Talent Rankings

MWAH Says: The one time to be grateful for not having a BA subscription. There’s only so many terrible things one can read about the Angels farm system before abandoning all hope. The Angels are, predictably, last on yet another Top 30 list.

The Story: Angels relying on prospects to take big steps

MWAH Says: Speaking of that farm system… the Angels need one of their fleet of low-ceiling/high-floor prospects to exceed expectations if they want the tail end of the roster to be productive. Expecting several of them to do so seems like incredibly wishful thinking. I’d be thrilled with just one becoming MLB average in 2016. “Todd Cunningham: Last Great Hope” is a terrifying thought no matter how you cut it.

The Story: Oakland A’s designate Sean Nolin for assignment

MWAH Says: If the Angels were to somehow acquire or claim Nolin ahead of everyone else, he’d easily become one of their top five prospects. Not sure whether that says terrible things about the system or good things about Nolin. His ceiling probably isn’t what many once hoped it would be, but he still boasts four quality pitches and a strong track record across all levels of the minors. He’ll be just 26 this coming season, so he still has time to grow.

The Story: Jenrry Mejia permanently suspended by MLB for 3rd positive PED test

MWAH Says: Well, “permanently”. He’s out of baseball for at least two years, after which time he can petition for reinstatement. As a 26-year-old with some promise undone by the gross incompetence of failing tests for the most easily recognizable steroids in existence, he’ll probably get a second chance. Just needs to find a fall guy.






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