Halo Headlines: Wilson out indefinitely; Choi scraps switch-hitting


The March 15, 2016 edition of Los Angeles Angels news includes an old Halo going out of commission for the foreseeable future, a new Halo renouncing switchcraft, and more…

The Story: C.J. Wilson sidelined indefinitely with shoulder issue

MWAH Says: All that time spent rehabbing his elbow only to have the other arm joint give out. Is that irony? We’re so saturated with it these days I can’t tell anymore. Anyway, if all goes well from here Wilson probably wouldn’t make his 2016 debut until early May. Anymore setbacks, though, and who knows when/if he’ll get to the mound this season. One of these days the Angels are going to have a season where they’re not paying a guy (or guys) $20+ million to sit on the DL or play for someone else. Gotta dream big, ya know?

The Story: Ji-Man Choi asked to scrap switch-hitting

MWAH Says: He batted exclusively left-handed until late last year, so it’s not like they’re asking him to reinvent the wheel. Given how recently he picked up switch-hitting, I’m impressed he made it this far into camp with it. I can’t even imagine making contact off a tee batting from the opposite side. To do so off MLB pitching after just a few months of practice is incredible. The move shouldn’t negatively affect Choi’s chances of making the Opening Day roster.

The Story: Garrett Richards looks to change things up

MWAH Says: Honestly, I’d rather he work more on bringing his two-seamer back into the fold than add a change-up to his repertoire, but I guess there’s no saying he can’t do both. If he needs pointers, he should definitely ask Mike Morin.

The Story: Fully healthy, Daniel Nava regaining form at the plate

MWAH Says: I’m as excited as the next person that things are going well for Nava so far, but it’s literally 18 Cactus League at-bats. If things are still going well come June/July, then we can hold a ticker-tape parade for him. Until then, I remain highly skeptical.

The Story: Geovany Soto’s odd throwing motion due to tender knees

MWAH Says: Mystery solved!

The Story: Deolis Guerra grateful for second chance after near-death experience

MWAH Says: Blood clots are scary, scary stuff. Glad that Guerra is healthy now and back on the mound.

The Story: A case for signing Rex Brothers

MWAH Says: I don’t see the harm in adding another potential LOOGY to the system, especially with Rob Rasmussen announcing his retirement on Tuesday. If the Rockies are letting you go, though, things have gotta be pretty dang bad.

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