Happy 2nd Birthday to The Buckeye Battle Cry

Two years ago today, I was up in the middle of the night, restless before Ohio State’s huge game against Penn State.  I was reading some of my then-favorite Buckeye blogs (MotSaG, Buckeye Commentary, Around The Oval, to name a few), and out of nowhere I just decided to start my own.

By 6am I had created the BBC, published my first entry, and dedicated it to my favorite Ohio State player, former quarterback John Borton.  Somewhere between 3 and 8 people read my blog that day.

The BBC has grown a lot since then, jumping from Blogger.com over to our own domain, getting involved with the Big Ten Bloggers.  This month, the traffic to this website will be our best month ever, with 25,000 hits (our previous best month was 10,000).  No, it’s not going to ever be praised as the most popular Buckeye blog, but words cannot explain how happy it makes me to think that my drunken rants will be clicked on 25,000 times this month.

Thanks for your repeated visits, and thanks for all your reinforcement.

By the way, Ohio State won that Penn State game on the day The BBC was hatched.  That’s the day Troy Smith won the Heisman with that scramble/TD to Robiskie.  And since The BBC has been around, the Bucks are 23-4.  Find me a blogger that gets to write about a win six times for every loss he has to write about, and I’ll show you a happy blogger.

And now, as a birthday present to myself, I’m going to Disneyland.  Seriously, I am.  Tomorrow morning, my daughter and I are flying to California and spending four days at Disney/Universal Studios.  I’ll be back next Tuesday, but I’m taking a laptop, so I’ll be able to post a few times.

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