Happy Birthday to Us


Three years ago today I lost my bloggerginity to a hooker named Blogger.   Today, I remain in my tighty whities blogging in my mom’s basement, but I’m much wiser and I’m with a cool new broad named, Bloguin.
I started blogging not because I’m gay or oppressed, but because I enjoy writing, particularly about [Detroit] sports.  Over time the blog evolved, surviving three different name changes before finally settling upon Detroit4lyfe.  A year ago, I decided that I wanted to make the blog grow, so I started promoting it by shamelessly plugging it to other blogs and trying to get linked up in blogrolls.  With that and endless content from Bob, John, Dupree, and now, Rob and Jessie, Detroit4lyfe is ranked, arbitrarily, a top 140 blog according to Ball Hype, which ranks over 2,000 blogs.
While I don’t think D4L has nearly reached its ceiling, it has come a long way over the past few years.  Hopefully, it will continue to grow exponentially over the next three years.
Thanks to everyone who has helped the blog, particularly those who have linked to it over the years, and will continue to link to it.  Most importantly, thanks to everyone who reads our stuff.  The number one goal of the blog is to provide everyone, not just Detroit sports fans, with interesting stuff on a daily basis.  This blog wouldn’t exist without the outpouring of support from our daily readers.  Thank you.
Now go steal some kids’ candies.
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