Happy Fourth of July AngelsWin!

Happy Fourth of July AngelsWin!

Happy Fourth of July AngelsWin.com. It’s the one time when we, as a nation, can come together and celebrate all that is best about our country: freedom. Whether you’re a conservative or a liberal, a northerner or southerner, big city or small town, on the Fourth of July, you’re just an American today.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote:  

“The fourth of July, the epoch of American independence, is a day when the heart of every American must glow with pride and gratitude. No village, however sequestered, no citizen, however obscure, forgets the celebration of the anniversary of his country’s liberty! Through all the land, from the shores of the Atlantic to our mountain-tops, the sounds of gratulation are heard; the roar of cannon, and the peal of bells, announce the auspicious morn, and people of every rank hasten with their festive offerings round the altar of liberty.”

And nothing beats celebrating the Fourth of July than gathering with family and friends, grilling burgers and dogs, and watching baseball and fireworks. It’s what makes the summer special.

To all those who have served to help keep us free, thank you for your service. For all those who has paid a price for our liberty, thank you for your sacrifice. And to all those in the AngelsWin.com community, Happy Fourth of July!

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