Happy New Year!

Look at that… we have made it to a new year. The Coyotes certainly ended the year with a bang. It was a well deserved and well needed win. There was a long over due PP goal from Langkow.

It seems Vrbata is back to the scoring part of his streakiness, which is good. We need him scoring. Both his goals came from weird angles. The first one was a surprise, like that really went in from there? And then he did it again. Keep it up Vrby.

Minnesota was awarded a penalty shot that should not have happened. There was a blatant high stick to a Coyote behind Minnesota’s net. The player went down and the ref was standing there watching it all and didn’t call it. The non-call led to Minnesota being able to break away causing Schlemko to get desperaate. Oh well… It didn’t cause the game to be lost.

McElhinney stepped up and stopped everything after that. He did quite well this game. I was actually glad to see him start. LaBarbara needed a rest. He needs to clear his head.

My New Years Resolution is to write more on this blog. I hope to get more content up, at least something every few days if not more.

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