Hawks Outgun Raptors

Home sweet home… 

Or not.

After going 3-2 on their road trip, the Raptors came home to a stern test versus Atlanta, one of the East’s top teams and lost 100-77. Joe Johnson had 30 points on 13-18 shooting as the Hawks had 5 players in double figures. Ed Davis finished with 11 points and 11 rebounds for the Raps. Jerryd Bayless (14 pts) and Gary Forbes (10 pts) were the only other Raptors in double figures.

Toronto managed to keep it close early despite Atlanta attacking the Raptors small backcourt of Calderon and Bayless. Joe Johnson abused whoever guarded him, going 5-6 in the quarter. The Hawks extended their 23-18 first quarter lead by attacking the rim and forcing turnovers. In the first half, Atlanta had 26 points in the paint. Joe Johnson had 24 at the half to lead his team to a 56-37 lead.

Dwane Casey went to a bigger lineup to start the second half, putting in Aaron Gray at center and Bayless sitting. Unfortunately, the Raptors could get no closer than 14 the rest of the way. The Raptors shot only 37% for the game compared to the Hawks’ 51%.

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