Healthy Perspective

It’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important if you’re an Ohio State fan- the men’s and women’s teams got bounced from the NCAA tournament earlier than we would like, and then there’s the whole thing that’s going on in the football office. Heck, the sacred start of spring practice even comes with a cloud, as our excitement is tempered by the seemingly endless drip of “new” revelations and speculation.

But, in the bigger scheme, those things really aren’t that significant. What’s really important is family, faith, legacy, and health. And with that in mind, we bring you this…

One of our long time listeners and frequent denizen of the comment queue has been recently diagnosed with a medical condition that’s pretty significant.  As we keep him in our thoughts and prayers, he also wanted to tell a little about his situation, as encouragement for us to be more invested in our wellness.  Here’s Ken-

It has been an interesting couple of months, between the abrupt ending to basketball season and uncertainty regarding the football program, but let me tell you, life is good. Briefly, I have a son whom I’m proud to call a son, and have a beautiful, loving wife.

And, I’m a lifelong Buckeye fan, so life is good.

I had a watershed event recently, just turned 60, and other than expected aches & pains, I’ve only had to deal with a couple low-level, ongoing chronic issues, one being eczema. The problem is, it wasn’t eczema. It was confirmed to be mycosis fungoides (MF), a type of CTCL. I managed to get a bit of squamous cell carcinoma while I was at it (too much golf, too little sunscreen, per my wife). Fortunately, I’m in stage 1 with these and after a month of treatment, the MF appears to be heading towards some remission, and my outlook is more positive than it’s been in years.

What’s the takeaway from this story? If you have been dealing with chronic symptoms, for goodness sake, have it checked and dealt with.

After all, life is good.

Ain’t that the truth.

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