In case you’re wondering what you can get your tBBC Friends for Christmas, here’s an idea that is a win/win!

One of the highlights of my Christmas growing up was the “special” gifts from my dad, typically purchased on Christmas Eve at the local Gas-N- Go. Ah, the precious memories of windshield wipers in the stockings, or motor oil wrapped in care under the tree.
The reality is, there are probably a number of folks who haven’t “Decked The Malls” and still have some gift buying to to with a week left in the holiday calendar. If you’re not the type who shops where my father did, there’s an option that will keep you from having to wrestle with other parents over the last thing on the shelf and only end up with a bass-o-matic.
So, if you’ve still got things on your list that you need to get in the coming week, you could help us here at The Buckeye Battlecry by shopping through our Amazon Store. And why wouldn’t you- they’ve got just about everything there, and you never have to leave the comfort of your couch or your laptop at the office.
Even if you don’t purchase items from the Wheel Of Awesome over in the right, tBBC gets a small percentage of anything you do buy after going through our contact point first. If you were feeling particularly helpful, you could drag that link to your Chrome or Firefox toolbar and make it your Amazon start page for all of your online holiday purchases.
Oh, and this doesn’t do anything to your order- Amazon does not share any information with us regarding who bought what or anyone’s account information, only the total amount that all of the people who have used our “launching point” have purchased. They don’t charge you any extra either, the amount comes straight out of their profits.
Again- thanks for being a part of this season with us… we’re excited about the coming weeks and months for Ohio State sports, and thankful for your part in being a part of our online community.
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