Here We Go Again – Ralph Gray Decker In The News

Like a dog that returns to its vomit is a fool who reverts to his folly. Proverbs 26:11

Got an anonymous tip today that a familiar face is again having problems down in Florida.

Yup, the guy who attacked Ty Moeller last summer was given yet another opportunity to view the inside of a jail cell for… you guessed it: battery.

Some people just never learn, it seems.

Ralph Gray Decker reportedly apologized to the Moeller family for his attack on the Buckeye defender, but apologies do not count if you repeat the behavior. He’s a repeat offender, he’s violent, and he’s dangerous.

Here’s hoping the judge pays attention and gives him a full sentence this time.  No breaks, no excuses.


UPDATE! – Justice sometimes does move with swift action – Decker has already been cited as violating his probation in the Moeller assault, and has a pre-trial hearing for December 20th.

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