Hey! I’m Back!

Hey! I’m back! I survived a harrowing trip through America’s southeast and a blown tire in Wisconsin, but here I am. After reviewing Beth’s posts over the past week, I have decided that she is no longer allowed to post here. She’s simply too good. Seriously though, excellent work from Beth. I hope I don’t bring a letdown by returning to my own blog.
In any case, I’m back, and I haven’t talked about Victoria for a while. This is, of course, the “Victoria Times” and not the “Ryan Talks About Whatever Passes Through His Empty Little Head Daily Bugle”. Let’s examine some news and notes around town, shall we?
The big news, of course, was the elections that happened two months ago. Wow, have I been that remiss in my making fun of the local news? I apologize profuseley. In any case, the city council remains pretty much the same, but Victoria has a new mayor in Mary Thun, replacing Jerry Bohn, proving that Victorians like their mayoral names short. That whole Meuwisson era was an aberration, clearly.
Speaking of Mary Meuwisson, a local author celebrity spotted her around town and decided to report that to our friend Celine. First, it kind of blows one’s mind that a retired mayor still lives in the town she mayored, doesn’t it? Anyways, apparently, she’s in charge of helping redesign Victoria, which is good, I suppose. She has plenty of experience since they have been trying to remodel downtown Victoria since, well, Meuwisson was mayor.
In more Decembery news, a new building which will be going in next to the Notermann building is going to be thirty five feet tall. That’s only 175 feet short of the tallest building in Minnesota! 51 stories short! In any case, apparently there is some sort of law in Victoria that you can’t build a building taller than 35 feet. This means that it’s illegal to stack more than 5 life size Yao Ming replicas on top of each other. Because I wanted to do that.
It’s pretty much messing with my mind that the only website author unable to use hyperlinks is writing about Victoria adopting Wi-Fi. She spends an entire paragraph explaining what some key bits of Wi-Fi technology are, like “hotspots”. I think the only person who reads her site are… me. This probably means that she included this just for the dead tree version. It also means that I’m probably the first person to notice that in the next two articles discuss “Sithtown Road” and “Victoria Stree”.
That’s about it for now. I have to check with some other sources, but there is a scandal brewing with the local fire department. That’s what we call a tease. Until next time. – Ryan

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