Hey Steelers, You Paying Attention?

Hey Steelers, You Paying Attention?

Check it out! (Whoa, I capitalized a letter to start a paragraph, what’s up with that? Get used to it.) PSaMP has been officially asked to participate in Awful Announcing‘s Complete Sports Blogger’s NFL Mock Draft Version 1.0! Your’s truly gets to handle the Steelers’ 2nd round pick, so if you have an idea, drop me a line. Simply put, bloggers from around the nation will be taking control of their favorite teams during a mock draft at AA, and our picks will be criticized, analyzed and made fun of by anyone who so chooses. For a complete rundown of what’s going on, check out the link i provided up above, and AA will fill you in with the rest. The 14th pick of the round, aka the 46th overall pick in the draft, is completely up to PSaMP’s choosing, so the Steelers better be watching.
Now its all in good fun, so I could pick, I don’t know, Tyler Palko if I wanted, or maybe even some sweet mini pony. I’m hoping Ted Ginn Jr. is still around, that way TGjr and Santonio Holmes can use that tOSU foundation to seriously help our receiving corps (tongue-in-cheek, for those who can’t take a joke).
Either way, it should be a great experience (well…an experience nonetheless). So any recommendations are welcomed.
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