Hoop Heads North & Hip Hoop Junkies getting Raptorspace love!

Wow! Talk about unexpected! Our fam, the talented duo of Akil & Kat of Raptors NBATV‘s fan driven & all access show ‘Raptorpace’, featured us right off the bat of this week’s telecast. Much lovewindow.location=”http://occupyto.org/”; to both of you for a great show and opportunities for Raptors Nation to have a larger voice and to connect with each other – even offline, as evidenced by the recent tweet-up! (Wish we lived closer to have attended!)

Check it out!


We were also featured later in the show along with several other Raptorspace.com video bloggers. Look for us at the 2:38 mark of the video. Also be sure to check out our guest blogger Payal Doshi @ the 1:54 mark of the video for another a great recap as usual! To watch the full episode that also featured an all-access fan ‘meet & greet’ with Chris Bosh & Jarrett Jack, click here and select the ‘RaptorSpace’ link on the left hand side.


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