Don’t fret that there’s a whole lot of text in front of you right now, we are still going to keep with the Monday morning video tradition here at BMR. The tradition is just going to change a little. Instead of your regularly scheduled Monday morning icebreaker, you can now enjoy a recap of the last week through YouTube videos.
From now on Mondays mean a look back at the best plays from the last week. During the regular season and throughout the playoffs, I’ll be recapping the best videos from around the NHL during the last seven days. They might be fights, goals or hockey players posing as rockers. Anything, really.
To start us off this week, here is our old friend JR, who took the time to sit down with the local NBC station in the Bay Area.
5. JR Auditions for Television
4. Mikhail Grabovski splits the Pittsburgh D
Tuesday night, Toronto’s Mikhail Grabovski scored a nifty goal on the Penguins. The Leafs ended up losing the game 3-2, but it is only the pre-season and the more important thing is obviously getting on this countdown.
3. Ryan Hollweg forgets how to use his fists
Two nights later the Penguins and Maple Leafs would do battle again, but pretty looking goals aren’t the reason these teams are back-to-back on the countdown. It’s really because Ryan Hollweg squared off with Paul Bissonnette and, in all seriousness, only threw a couple punches. That’s game, set and match to Bissonnette.
2. Washington rocks out
There’s not too much that can be said about this video which hasn’t already been said by Greg Wyshynski. All I can think of is that the Capitals might regret doing this in a couple years. Or at least Ovechkin’s hair.
1. Jon Mirasty vs. Chris Gratton
Do you like the kind of fights where no one tries to block a punch? You know, when both players just mercilessly wail on each other. If that’s your cup of tea, then prepare to have these guys smash it in your face.
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BallHype – Highlights of the Week: 9/22 – 9/28
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