Hills pulled a gamecock?

Spurrier has coined a new medical phrase – ‘the gamecock.’ In the Thursday practice report on USCsports.com, Spurrier had this to say concerning gamecock WR Joe Hills and his injury –

“Joe (Hills) sprained his (left) toe,” continued Coach Spurrier. “He pulled a “Gamecock.” I guess we’ll call it a “Gamecock” when you’re going into the end zone and you relax. He was across the line but didn’t realize Akeem (Auguste) was hustling and trying to break it up and fell on his foot. Hopefully, one day our guys will learn just because you cross the goal line or get near it, the game is not over. Guys are flying around trying to make plays.”

This must be what Pepper had last year. So we have the other USC getting a nasty itch and now players on USC getting ‘the gamecock’…..I wonder if any players from Jacksonville State suffers from this medical condition? Will PETA protest this?

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