The Hip Hop Manifesto: The Introduction


(Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports)

I've been thinking a lot recently about starting up a music blog and/or old school hip hop website.  My love of hoops and hip hop both pretty much blossomed at the same time – in my teenage years in the late 1980s-early 1990s (yes, I'm old – sigh).  But with two sites on the go already (not to mention two kids ON THE GO at home), the time to do it properly really isn't there.  Which brought me to the realization that I already had the platform to write whatever I wanted about the hip hop/rap scene – basketball and hip hop are as intertwined as a music and sport can be.

Whether it be NBA players trying to be rappers (or the opposite – Hi Percy), or the similar fashion styles (rappers wearing Jordans; ballers dressing like rappers and giving David Stern a heart attack), to the shared time in history when hip hop and the NBA blew up into the mainstream (the late 1980s-early 1990s), hip hop and basketball have grown up with each other (not to mention many of its key participants growing up in the same downtrodden areas of the U.S. together).  So, from time to time, The Hoops Manifesto will be dropping some hip hop knowledge on your domes.  Welcome The Hip Hop Manifesto.  Consider yourselves…. warned.  The revolution will not be televised! Step!



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