Hockey Day In Tampa Bay


The Lightning hosted a very special event at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on Sunday afternoon. Hockey goes beyond the NHL and this was a celebration of the club’s involvement with the game in their community. Hockey Day In Tampa Bay featured a high school all star game, a sled hockey tournament and the final game of the day was the Lightning Cup Finals between the top two high school teams.

The crowd was an interest mix of fans, family, and Lightning fantasy camp participants. After the doors opened, many headed for the gear sale which had the largest selection in recent memory. A lot of past and present player sticks available, including quite a few of the new young fixtures of the squad. The high school all star game saw two teams face off, one coached by Brian Bradley and the other by Dave Andreychuk.  Bradley’s team ended up winning 8-5.

A sled hockey game was next on the schedule. It’s something most hockey fans know exist, but not too many of us have had the privilege of witnessing. It was absolutely incredible seeing the players take to the ice and zoom around with ease. The goalies made some great stops and there were some fantastic goals scored. Bradley and Andreychuk took to the ice again in sleds of their own. They were joined by Chris Dingman, Chris Kontos, Jassen Cullimore and Stan Neckar. The alumni held their own after some adjustment to the new playing position. It was very cool to see this type of hockey. It was different, but the same in a lot of ways.

When people think of Florida, they generally think of beaches and palm trees. Hockey here is still a very foreign concept for many people. Events like this are great because it showcases that there is a vibrant and growing hockey community in the Sunshine State. Kudos to the Lightning for a nice day celebrating this.

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