Holt, Fisher to resume CBA discussions Monday

PHOn Monday August 1st, it’ll mark the first month since the current NBA lockout began. The good news is that on that day the NBA and Players Union are scheduled to meet and resume talks on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement.

San Antonio Spurs’ owner Peter Holt is expected to be present reports Brian Smith of the Salt Lake Tribune.

The discussions are expected to involve NBA commissioner David Stern and NBA Players Association (NBPA) executive director Billy Hunter, and will mark the first formal meeting since owners locked out players July 1.

ESPN reported Wednesday that NBPA president Derek Fisher and San Antonio owner Peter Holt, head of the owners’ negotiating committee, are also expected to be involved.

Smith goes on to say the league is making better progress than they did in the 1998-99′ season.

With Stern and Hunter scheduled to meet one month into the lockout, owners and players are ahead of the pace of the 1998-99 lockout, which resulted in a shortened 50-game season. 

What do you think Spurs fans? Do you think with these early discussions can help the league avoid a lockout into the season?

(Photo: Toppup.com) 

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