Holy crap, college football

Holy crap, college football
In all the Olympic hijinks and baseball discussions, it’s been lost on the masses that hey, the college football season is less than a week away. I really can’t wait for months of people talking about Dan Shanoff talking about Tim Tebow. Mostly, I’m ready for real football and not speculation on various quarterbacks’ bursa sacs, neck beards or commitments to Green Bay.
Instead, even after the various football games are played, people still will speculate on who the est teams are and who got jobbed in the rankings. Rankings, to me, especially ones appearing this early in the season, are the primary, easiest to fix problem in the game today. Voters are obviously going to have their respective biases whether or not there are polls early in the season, but if there aren’t any polls until the first BCS standings come out, it would avoid some of the groupthink that puts Ohio State, for example, at the top of the polls every year.
Whether or not we go to a playoff format, polls will always be the problem. Just as they keep teams out of the championship game in the present format. The only realy way to give everyone what they want is to do a dramatic overhaul of college football, and not just the way the championships are sorted out. Getting rid of the polls, however, would be a good start.
On that note, enjoy your 4+ months of Pam Ward!

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