
I went to the game tonight. Yesterday afternoon I decided I had to go. I called the ticket rep and they had ONE ticket by my friends so I grabbed it.

I rocked the Pru tonight. I haven’t worn him since the last time I went to a home game (February?).

I had so much fun tonight and the Coyotes clinched home ice for Round 1 with the 5-2 win over the Preds.

And I have said this all along… if they win, the fans will come and tonight we had our 4th straight sell-out. My picture won’t upload. 🙁

I am trying to figure out a way to get season tickets next year. I miss them so much. All my friends sit downstairs and no one wants to move to the upperbowl (which is what I can probably afford). I’m torn. I will work on this.

Ok, well I have to get some sleep. I have a job that I need to be at in the morning. I just had to write a little about tonight!


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