Houston Sucks

This post has been a long time coming.

But do we even really need to make jokes about this?

Since they came into the league, the Texans have a grand total of 0 winning seasons.

Then again, the last time they came to Heinz Field, they beat us because Tommy Maddox didn’t know the meaning of “ball security.”

Houston Sucks
Maybe if Houston home-boy Roger Clemens knew more about ball security and less about pumping roids, he wouldn’t have blown the 2004 All-Star game for the NL.

Houston has been home to 2 NFL teams that have combined for 2 championships. Those were the first two AFL Championship games ever played in 1960 and 1961.

Houston is routinely named as one of the fattest cities in America.

Don’t believe me? Ask Google.

Houston has only won league championships in major sports in years when there was a Democrat in the White House.


Houston’s most famous football moment in recent memory is “that team that the Bills came back against in the playoffs.”

Go Steelers.

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