How much does the Garnett injury affect the playoffs?

Today was not a good day in Boston.

Beantown residents woke up to the news they had been dreading for 2 months.  Kevin Garnett will not be healthy enough to play in the postseason.  Since his injury two months ago, Garnett has been very careful with his knee.  He came back too soon and had trouble logging more than 18 minutes a game in the four contests he tried.  The Celtics shelved him briefly and kept moving the goalposts, promising he’d be returning to the team next week….no, NEXT week, no NEXT week.

They finally threw in the towel and said what most smart NBA fans knew already.  Garnett was done for the year.  Of course, they’re still saying that he MIGHT be back later in the playoffs.  But we heard that one already, and no Peter, we ddon’t believe you this time when you say the wolf really is coming into the village.

The BBC raised doubts about KG when he went back to the bench 3 weeks ago, unable to play more than 18 minutes a game.  They were rushing him, and knee injuries are not to be rushed.

So now it’s official.  No Kevin Garnett for Boston.  It appears to be the main story for NBA news, and with good reason.  The guy is a huge key for the defending champions.  But how much does it affect our Cavaliers?

Right now, not a damn bit.

The Detroit Pistons are our focus.  Allen Iverson is not playing and Rasheed Wallace is still an asshole.  That’s where we have to concentrate.

After we get past the Pistons, Kevin Garnett is STILL not a concern of ours.  Boston, should they survive the Bulls series, will be facing Orlando or Philadelphia.  Again, not our concern because we’ll be seeing either Miami or Atlanta if we make the second round.

The closest we will come to concerning ourselves with Kevin Garnett is in the Eastern Conference Finals.  If we get into that third round, and Boston does the same, THEN we can worry about playing the Celts minus KG.

Am I happy that the Celtics are without him?  No.  But I’m not shedding any tears for the green and white either.  I want to win this championship and have no excuses pouring from the teams we lay waste to.  I’d rather beat the Celtics with every player on their team at full strength, even Bill Russell and Larry Bird.  I want to beat them so badly that my bottle of Great Lakes Dortmunder becomes permeated with the taste of Tommy Heinsohn’s tears.

But if they’re missing somebody from their starting lineup….that’s not my problem.  That’s theirs.


On the other hand, The BBC sends best wishes to Danny Ainge.  Get well soon.

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