Introducing the Huge Euge

Introducing the Huge Euge

It was an eventful Thursday night on Twitter. Speaking of which, if you’re not following us, what the hell are you waiting for? (Add us @6thSens.)

I digress. Besides spending a copious amount of time tweeting back and forth with Erin Nicks (@erinnicks), a Puck Daddy columnist and author of The Universal Cynic, about coming up with marketing ideas for the Ottawa Senators and their Sens Store. For example, if the organization was smart, they’d come up with a line of vintage T’s that featured infamous Eugene Melnyk phrases like “Buckle Up”.

It was shortly thereafter that Erin proposed that we name an alcoholic beverage that pays homage to The Euge. Erin suggested – “The Huge Euge” – but wondered what should go into it.

I suggested a mixed shot of Jack Daniels, sambuca and tequila. A shot that has the sum of its individual ingredients be more than its collective whole. It sounded good in principle but Erin suggested something more grandiose. Euge needs to go big, and he needs to go classy. Perhaps something served in a gold-plated bucket?

Eventually Michael S. (@Slavitch), author of Malkin to the Kings, came up with a better suggestion – Kool-Aid mixed with Barbados rum.

He nailed it. Not only are the ingredients simple enough not to confuse, the key ingredients need to stay the same so that you can only blame the bartender if they’re not mixed properly. And most importantly, everyone grew up drinking Kool-Aid and we have some fond memories of it but as we’ve grown older, our tastes have changed and we can no longer stomach it.

The Huge Euge. Drink up everybody!

Fantasy Trade Proposal Of the Day

I threw up this trade proposal on Twitter – Marc Savard + Toronto’s 1st round pick in this year’s draft in exchange for Fisher, Phillips, Wiercioch and a second round pick – and asked who says no first, Chiarelli or Murray?

Obviously there are some health considerations with Savard but in the event that he did get hurt and go on LTIR, his cap hit would come off of the books. Conversely, Phillips could be reunited with Chara in Boston but there’s nothing preventing him from coming back to the Senators after July 1st. Does the prospect of landing a lottery pick (and possibly two if the Senators keep defecating the mattress) make the trade worthwhile?

It’s all for made for discussion. Have at it in the comment thread.

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