Hutsona + Buh-Bye = Little Buddy’s team

Hutsona + Buh-Bye = Little Buddy's team

Little nugget from Glenn today that I couldn’t help but notice:

One other unrelated note, FYI. Though it’s not definite, I would not expect Derrell Hutsona to be in a Cougar uniform this fall. The academic hurdles are significant, and from what I hear there are some possible disciplinary issues as well. Bottom line is that I doubt he’ll be eligible to play at WSU in 2007.

Great. Hutsona gave the backs that little extra something that they didn’t have last year – namely a lot of speed – and now he’s probably done.
Ok, so, no DeMaundray as of right this moment (hopeful he gets back into school?), and now no Hutsona. So that leaves us with Tardy…..and……uh……Chris Ivory? Marcus Richmond? Skyler Jessen? Oh boy.

Hutsona + Buh-Bye = Little Buddy's team

This is a knee-high fastball right in Duckhater’s wheelhouse, but, if they have any shot at a bowl next year, “Little Buddy” is going to have to throw it a LOT! This too shall pass.
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