Hypocrisy, thy name is Brian Cook

Two weeks ago, regarding Ralph Decker…..

Ohio State fans are noted for their decorum and perspective, at least insofar as they seem to totally lack both.


Next up: poop in a cooler and mail it to his address, which people are posting wily-nilly on every Ohio State blog with comments or nobly letting everyone know that a quick google search turns up his address and phone number but allowing your “better judgment” to prevail and keeping the information to yourself. I know it’s the internet, but uh …

The general tone of Brian Cook’s article was that Ohio State fans are goons who are threatening violence to a man who hurt the Buckeye program.

Last night, word came out that the Free Press had published an article by Michael Rosenberg which exposed Michigan’s alleged violation of NCAA rules.

This afternoon…..

Joined: 2008-06-30
Yeah, I might punch Rosenberg in the face if I see him on the street.

Go Blue

Does anybody wonder if Brian is going to write an article blasting Michigan fans for threatening violence???  Something tells me he’s not going to rush to judgment this time around…..

Oh, and by the way….in case you didn’t know, MGoBlog (where the above threat occurred) is owned and operated by the same Brian Cook who lambasted Buckeye fans for their so-called “decorum”


Oh, and by the way, Brian…..you blasted Ohio State fans for calling Decker’s employer and “harassing him”.  But yet, your very site has Rosenberg’s employer listed, complete with name, address and phone number.  Care to comment on why you’ve allowed that comment to stay on your site???

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