I Don’t Care If Manny Goes To The Yanks

In the NY Post today they cited several of Manny’s friends saying he wanted to play for the Yankees next season to “get back at the Red Sox.” Get back for what? Paying you huge amounts of money, having great fan support and granting your trade wishes? Last week Manny said he wanted to retire with the Dodgers. If he wants to go play for the Yankees he can and join Damon, Boggs, and Clemens in the chase the money club. Of course this report only cites Manny’s friends and not Manny himself and even if Manny said it we still don’t know what he means. If the Yanks want to pay crazy amounts of money to deal with a Manny headache that would be fine by me. The New York media is going to be just as critical of him as the Boston media was and he will become a distraction for the team in a matter of weeks. You want him New York? You can have him.

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